virtual assistant

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help Your Company Save Money

Cutting costs and increasing efficiency are the goals of every business — especially startups. When building a business, there are many important decisions to make. For example what programs to use, how to build out your infrastructure, and what positions to fill. At some point, hiring new positions is necessary, but hiring for in-house talent is time-consuming and expensive.

Hiring an in-house position takes time, money, effort, paperwork, and then training and reviews after the hiring process. On the other hand, hiring a VA saves you time and money, allowing you to get expert help where you need it, right away.

Read on to learn more about how a virtual assistant can save your company money.

Save On Hiring & Training a Virtual Assistant

The traditional in-house hiring process includes recruitment, interviews, background checks, onboarding, and training. All of which takes a tremendous amount of effort, time, and money.

The potential hire can back out at any of these preliminary stages, causing your investment to go to waste and leaving you to start the hiring process over again.

Hiring a virtual assistant only requires minimal recruiting efforts, a few interviews, and simple step-by-step training.

Most virtual assistants have experience in admin tasks, customer service, data entry, and basic business functions, but you can always choose to hire one with more expertise in your field. For example, there are VAs who specialize in marketing, law, or medical fields that can bring expert knowledge to your business.

Save On Office Equipment

When you hire a virtual assistant, you save on equipment costs.

Virtual assistants work remotely and should have all of the equipment they need to complete their job. Equipment like desk space, a computer, a headset, etc.

Hiring in-house means you’ll be responsible for providing all equipment and supplies.

For companies who are back in the office, supply costs add up. Not only will a new hire require desk space, a phone, and other equipment, cups, pens, paper towels, printer paper, and other office supplies will need to be provided.

Retaining & Acquiring Customers

Hiring a virtual assistant means you’ll have a person dedicated to handling your customer service needs.

You will receive a trained professional with previous experience dealing with customers, complaints, inquiries, and problem-solving.

A seasoned VA will know how to calm customers down and solve their problems, lowering customer turnover and reducing revenue loss.

A virtual assistant will also know how to clearly articulate the benefits of your product or service, which increases your chances of acquiring new customers and keeping your current ones.

Only Pay for Hours Worked

With a traditional in-house employee, company owners must provide a salary, PTO, sick time, insurance, and other benefits.

There’s also a lot more paperwork and regulations involved with hiring and firing an in-house employee.

One of the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant is that they can be paid hourly, so you can utilize them as much or as little as you need. You’ll get exactly what you’re paying for when adding a virtual assistant to your team.

Save Your Business Money With a Virtual Assistant

The extra costs, time, and paperwork that come with hiring and training an employee in-house can quickly add up.

With a virtual assistant, you get a highly trained professional at a fraction of the cost.

A VA doesn’t need equipment provided for them. Only gets paid when they work, and can get plugged into your business to start producing right away.

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