Fear. Let’s talk about it.
But before we talk about fear please tick your choice of a statement from the selection given.
- The fear of starting
- The fear of starting over
- Fear of changing
- The fear of growing
- Fear of even being able to think you could ever make something good with your life
- What ifs
- Paralysis by analysis (because you got to overthink every little detail to be sure you overcome mistakes
- Procrastinating all the way up
- Wondering at the end of the day what life is really about
- Fear of astonishing the world or sounding stupid
- Rejection
- The fear of becoming successful or just something better than your low self-concept
- Still, in denial, don’t disturb.
- Or specify your weirdest remaining fears
If you have checked some or all of these statements above, congratulations you got some hidden fears playing hide and seek with your business life, personal life (maybe too), and mental health issues as well.
Who even cares about mental health? You should, smarty.
In the hope you didn’t get a panic attack up to now, just a reminder you, your life, business, and relationships are not that disastrous as you’ve conditioned yourself to believe it is.
I don’t take responsibility for your pulse rate for the rest of this article, so I guess we are square.
Now, you are wondering after this whole chitchatting what the formula to overcome all these fears is, right?
What If I Told You That Fear is Not the Problem
Disappointing some right now, but to that to I and you should also vote ‘No, to giving a fuck’! (More about this further below.)
Fear is not the problem.
If everyone, everybody, each one of us, humans, animals, aliens, whatever, feel fear when approaching something new in life, Yet so many are out there “doing it, acing it, beyoncéing it” DESPITE the freaking fear, then we must conclude that FEAR is not the problem.
(Gosh, you got some serious problems then,… just kidding)
It’s not fear but HOW you hold on to your fear. Some of us create a state of paralysis when they get it through their body, and still, others keep thinking it’s irrelevant and just DO IT.
Obviously, you want to be part of the second part of the populace who just do it. And why not become the next Steve Jobs, right?
Well, the only little secret I can share with you to get from a paralysis-state towards a mofo state is to move from a state of pain to a position of power with these 5 secrets below.
Feel the Fear and do it Anyway
If you thought this article would help you banish the emotion of fear for once and for all, it has to be a major disappointment to realize you have wasted your time reading until now. But yeah, you saw it coming: You’ll always feel it. Every time you continue to grow. If no matter what, you are determined to get rid of it, go out and just freaking do it. Remember also that every time you’ll get in touch with unknown territories, fear will come to salute you, but so it’ll to everyone else. So take a breath you are not that weird-ass you believed you were. Lastly, pushing through fear will always be less scary than having to live with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.
Life is too short to try to play it safe. There’s no safe position in life.
You can’t get out of life alive… Anyway!
No, Lose Model
When you fear the start of your business, the start of a relationship, or what God choose to put on your way, you’ll most of the time think in terms of I’ll either win and it’ll feel great or I’ll lose (something you never started, someone you never talked to,.. basically a stranger, how?! Anyway.) and this will feel disastrous. Let’s catch ourselves in your patterns for once and frame them differently.
What if you talked to this girl/guy who makes your heart pound, started your business who makes your dopamines rise right away, and could either make you win the woman/man of your life or your dream of a passive income.
Or you’ll learn some lessons from mistakes, like not showing up with a spotted shirt and pivoting your business faster, instead of fearing the change (which could be something you could work on too).
Either way, you’ll win a better partner and business at the same token, with a bit of luck.
Reverse Engineer Your Life
See yourself at 90, less mobile (to not say not mobile at all anymore), with a lot of faith and prayers, not too sick, grey-haired, and your grandchildren visiting you once in a while if they don’t get lost in their techies. (GoogleMaps exist of course, but at that time, they’ll have some traveling app to teleport them instantly all over the world, I don’t know, but you’ll for sure not be in their crazy lets-travel-the-world-plans.)
Let’s not lose focus. You have that picture of you. In your rocking chair looking back at your life… full of regrets or you are proud of who you were and what you did…
I hope you get the message. stop stressing so much.
The choice is up to you, Granny/Granddaddy.
Who Is It You Try to Please? Your or the crowd? Or your mom?
Who do you think of when that feeling of being stuck gets you? Whose opinion is sending shivers down your spine?
Once you identified these persons haunting your thoughts. Get rid of them. Be it mentally and/or physically.
You have to live up to your own success scale, not the ones people hold for you. The height of this whole crappy frightening story you keep telling yourself is that nobody cares at the end. Everyone is more concerned about their own crappy lives, and are themselves frightened by the idea of what you could think of them.
Thereby, if it happens that they shout at you how much crap you and your work are and that you’ll probably make it in the Guinness Book of Biggest Failures Ever. Remember that even Steve Jobs saved face after the famous Apple Newton-flop and took over the world with its 1000 buckets phones, everyone seems to have money for in a world everyone is complaining about the crises. In the same realm let’s take Trump as an example of being a proud serial failure, starting with Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump casinos, to Trump President. Perhaps we should just refer to him as “Trumped”. Not so sure about the saving-face part tho.
Anyway, keep in mind: if you happened to fail, make it part of the act. Like yeah, whatever I planned that bankruptcy, what now?! (You can use a plan to tackle possible setbacks, like bankruptcy if you happened to forget. But you got the spirit badass, right?!)
Preparation, preparation, preparation. In case you were to be drunk while reading this, you’ve got more chance to have seen the word at least one time.
Set achievable goals and work your butt off to make them happen.
Be it business-wise by collecting all the information needed to know how to run a business, and finally doing it.
Be it mentally by conditioning your mind to think more positively, analytically, seeing things in perspective, being persistent, seeing opportunities where you once saw roadblocks, visualizing success where you saw disaster, to moving furniture with your brainpower (if you can please contact me, so excited to learn this), whatever mindset you need to become successful.
It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.
This too you can train.
To a life where fear is freaking out for you, To an empowered you, and to a successful you,
Much besos, execution, and kicking-ass-energy,
PS: Just, freaking, do it!
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