Trade Show

5 Proven Strategies to Increase Your Trade Show Booth Traffic

Trade shows and conventions are one of the finest ways to grab potential leads for your products. It is an avenue to showcase your product and convince people that you offer solutions to their problems. However, standing out in such a competitive environment means you need to think outside the box. You would love to attract as many leads as possible, but this doesn’t come without going the extra mile. Here are some proven strategies to boost your trade show booth traffic with ease to stay ahead of the game.

Contact Attendees In Advance

Often, show organizers furnish people with the list of trade show attendees. This should be good news to you because you have a platform to contact them before the actual trade show date. The beauty of this is that attendees become aware of your trade show booth and other details before the actual day.

This way, you trigger curiosity in their minds and would probably want to visit your booth to quench it. You can pick the list and share it with your marketing team. Use a mix of marketing strategies to fish more clients. You can leverage email campaigns, calls, social media contacts, appointments, or calls to brief them about your trade booth and other relevant details.

Invest in a Good Display

The display is one thing you cannot afford to neglect when it comes to trade show booths. You want your booth to be eye-catchy to attract potential clients with ease seamlessly. A dull or incorrect display can turn things inside out. Invest in top draw trade show exhibits to spruce up the event. Ensure you create a vibrant booth consistent you’re your brand. Invest in graphics, lighting, and relevant display equipment to wow your target audience!

Offer Incentives

Sending emails, calls, or booking appointments might not be enough to persuade potential clients. Of course, other products will probably go in this direction. You need to be standout and unique in the competition. Convince potential clients why they should try your booth. If you have a new product or fresh aspects of the product, then promote it. If there is nothing new about your product, you can try promotions or special offers to soften the hearts of potential clients.

Choose the Right Staff

The staff members selected for the trade show booth will also have an impact on the ROIs of the event. They are the face of your company/product, and you should not gamble about it. Choose the most suitable people for the job. Pick those who exhibit marketing talent or even conduct training prior to the event to fine-tune their skills.

Provide Interactive Avenues

Your company’s image is crucial, and you should pull all your efforts to take it to the top. While everything else about your product could tick the boxes, bad reception and negative customer feelings can water down your efforts. Again, be creative to boost your company’s image. You can provide a place for clients to rest, make your presentations short, create relationships, or just do anything that makes the potential client feel at home.

Wrapping up

Trade show booths are no doubt a good avenue to grab potential clients. However, a lot is needed behind the scenes. The key is to prepare better. Take your time to plan for the show and ensure you also work with partners where you can to help make the session a success.

Infographic provided by Nimlok®, a provider of fabric light boxes from Nimlok®

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