The Dangers Of A Disconnected Team
In recent years, the workplace landscape has transformed. While many changes have had positive implications for businesses, there are consequential challenges that have exerted substantial pressure on companies. Chief among these is the growing disconnection among teams. While this issue might not always take the spotlight. The dangers of a disconnected team can be profoundly detrimental, to the individuals involved and a company’s overall performance.
The perils of a disconnected team extend beyond mere team dynamics. The breakdown in communication often accompanies disconnection. This can significantly erode productivity, not only within the affected team but throughout the organization. A recent survey found that 86% of executives concur that inefficient collaboration is a major contributor to company-wide setbacks.
Moreover, team disconnection has far-reaching implications for individual employees, as it frequently leads to feelings of isolation. Startling research from Cigna, a prominent multinational healthcare and insurance company, has unveiled that lonely employees collectively cost U.S. companies an estimated $406 billion annually. This staggering figure is primarily attributed to the increased number of missed workdays, reduced productivity, lower quality work output, and a higher risk of employee turnover among lonely workers.
Employee Dissatisfaction
Prolonged disconnection further fuels employee dissatisfaction and disengagement, which can be contagious as negative attitudes tend to permeate the workplace. Consequently, employees who are actively disengaged are more susceptible to negligence, health-related issues, and complacency. Ultimately, this results in a surge in voluntary turnover and elevated company expenditures.
Conversely, employees who are part of closely connected teams, where they experience a profound sense of belonging, serve as catalysts for their company’s success. Strong interpersonal relationships foster engagement and job satisfaction, leading to enhanced job performance, fewer sick days, and a diminished risk of employee turnover. It is evident that companies of all sizes cannot afford to ignore the consequences of team disconnection and employee disengagement.
Cultivating human connection in the workplace is a collective responsibility. To combat loneliness and disengagement, proactive leadership is indispensable. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies to create a supportive work environment centered on team cohesion, driving connection, and productivity. To delve deeper into creating a more connected workplace, refer to the accompanying resource.
Infographic created by TeamBonding, an in person team building activities business
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