make your coffee shop a success

6 Ways to Make Your Coffee Shop a Success

How to Make Your Coffee Shop a Success

Perhaps you’ve exited the rat race to focus on your real passion in life – serving great coffee and talking to people. Maybe you’ve always been in hospitality and finally took the plunge to run your own café, because you know you have more know-how than your previous managers. Whatever the reason is, if you’re new to the coffee shop game, we’re sure you want your business to be a success.

A good coffee shop becomes a little slice of comfort in a city landscape that’s otherwise alienating and baffling. Not just that, but coffee is truly a delicious beverage – and a need. More and more people need coffee to keep them going through their day-to-day tasks.

The public’s desire for coffee just keeps growing and growing – so there’s never been a better time to step into the industry.

Here are our top tips for running a coffee shop, to make sure you don’t step out:

Hire the Right People

Don’t just go for Joe who spent six months working in Starbucks when he was nineteen unless the kid’s got some real spark and you want to train him up properly. Brewing coffee well is a craft, and the artisans who are experts are baristas.

Advertise that you want baristas, not just waiting for staff, and when you hire them, they’ll bring the expertise you need with them. A well-trained barista guarantees an exceptional brew.

Choose Speciality Beans

If you want your coffee shop to survive, make sure you’re providing some of the best coffee out there. Cafés serving poor quality coffee are a dime a dozen, and you quickly see them rise and fall.

Shops that sustain are chains – because people like what they like – and high-quality coffee shops. If you get a reputation for serving coffee that’s rich in flavor, sweet and tangy, and deep and malty in all the right places, you’ll never go out of business.

Opt for specialty beans for the best flavor you can buy; they’re not so much more expensive, but they make all the difference. People who love coffee choose to go to the places with the best coffee; people who just like coffee will pop in any way. It’s a win-win.

Get the Right Coffee Machine

The key to maintaining success is well-informed staff and a high-quality product; Instagram and other frivolities matter a lot less. To get the best out of your beans, make sure you’re using some of the best equipment going.

Look at getting a Coffee Machine that’s top of the price range – it’ll set you back initially, but you’ll reap the rewards when you get to enjoy a perfectly brewed bean with a wealth of flavor.

We recommend something Italian, because the original coffee lovers may still be the best.

Keep Your Kitchen Sparkling

Customers know when somewhere they’re frequenting is a bit dirty – and they will warn their friends against visiting. A hygienic environment is so important for providing a good ambiance in a café.

You should always invest in a commercial dishwasher – a normal one won’t provide the quality of cleanliness or speed you need in a commercial establishment. Look at picking up one from Warewashing Solutions, which offers a wide range of fantastic commercial dishwashers.

Create a Good Atmosphere 

Your coffee shop should be light, but warm and inviting, to guarantee it becomes a hangout for the young and hip, and city high-flyers alike.

The stripped-back aesthetic with big windows, wooden features, plants, and not much else is so popular at the minute – and that’s because it works. It’s incredibly visually appealing. Add a few cushions and you’ve got yourself a winning interior.

Reward Loyalty 

People like it if you reward them for their custom – it keeps them coming back for more. Consider advertising a deal on the A-frame sign outside, like free pastries with a coffee on Monday morning.

Even a simple loyalty card can work wonders for repeated custom. People will be inclined to buy more coffee – just to get to the free one. Play people’s desire for freebies to the advantage of your business.

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