design a services page

How to Design a Services Page that Converts


How to Design a Services Page that Converts


Getting traffic to your business website is a great thing, but if it doesn’t convert, it’s almost useless. While there is a great deal of focus on writing home and products pages, there are some important differences when it comes to promoting service-driven businesses. Unlike product pages that are all about landing the sale, service pages are different.

Your services page is one of the most viewed web pages of your business site. Having the right page layout, content and website design can potentially lead to more conversions. If you’re passionate about taking your business to the next level, you need to understand how to format your site’s services page to attract more clients and increase conversions.

Here are some tips on how to design a services page that converts:


Subtle Page Design 


Why are social media sites like Facebook and Instagram so popular? Because they’re basically designed to be entertaining. When it comes to designing services pages, this is not what you’re looking for. Visitors are looking for brand information presented in a simple and clear way and menus that are easy to navigate.

From details like what background looks best on your services page to colors, every small detail matters. Remember that your services page is where interested visitors will either make the firm decision to contact you, sign up for your services or move on to something else. Make sure your services page design is subtle and responsive and be transparent with your pricing.


Focus on Your Elevator Pitch


Your services page is where visitors navigate to understand in more detail what your company offers. It’s likely that your services page is not the first thing that a potential customer has seen on your website. They may have come in through Google searches, blog posts or social media. To ensure that your services page stands out, you need to give visitors a top-level view of what your business does and the unique value you offer: this is your elevator pitch.

That means designing your page in a way that captures a reader’s attention through simple and clear headlines and subheadlines. This will allow them to quickly assess what you offer and make the right choices. According to top digital marketing experts, [bctt tweet=”Your services page should directly appeal to your ideal clients by addressing their problems” username=”startupily”]


Create a Suitable Page Design Structure 


There is no single perfect design structure for every business services page. When visitors arrive on your services page, you want them to easily read headings, list titles and another formatting on your page without any form of complexity. According to a Business News Daily article, great page design and structure reflects the mission of your business and is key to achieving consistent design aesthetics that customers will recognize every time.  

A good page structure should help you elaborate on your core services under separate section headings. Just take your time to think about what format or structure would be a natural fit for your business services. Whether you go for short-form or long-form service pages, how you present your information will determine how well visitors respond.


Improve Content for Your Services Page


With a good elevator pitch and page structure, it’s time to have your content ready for your services page. Design alone will not help you increase conversions. You need to integrate the right content into your page structure. How much content you want to include depends on the nature of your business. Here are some conversion tips that apply to all service pages:


  • Stick to the details that are critical to the sales process
  • Be specific about the benefits of your services like reduced cost and time saved
  • Know and understand your buyer persona to anticipate their needs and preferences
  • Be natural but concise in the information you provide about what you offer
  • Keep SEO in mind as you create your services page content, especially the on page optimization


Include Clear Call to Actions


Now that your services page has clearly highlighted your services and the benefits that customers can expect from them, it’s time to include clear call-to-action. Your services page design can never be complete without providing information for prospective customers or clients on how they can proceed if they want to contact you, work with you or get more information.

Placing a button or link that simply says “Contact Us Now” or “Get a Free Quote” can easily increase conversions. The key is getting potential client contact information so you can talk to them and discuss their needs, and that means placing your call-to-action in highly-visible areas. A Huffington Post article notes that high-converting websites highlight valuable information upfront to retain more of their site visitors and get more leads.




There are more services page design practices that you can implement for your business website. As you work with your web design expert to continuously improve your web pages, remember that the web gives you a lot of freedom to experiment to see what works best. Try creating different services page layouts and designs and then run some A/B testing to see which pages users respond to best.



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