carnsa development

The Carnsa Development Series

Carnsa Development Series for understanding software and technology

Author C. Lewis designed the Carnsa Development Series for busy people who want to gain a general understanding of business and technology.

Carnsa Development is for those who have technical and non-technical backgrounds.

Perhaps you are planning to attend a meeting with a company that uses the Agile methodology. Meeting with a business analyst (BA) who is going to present an unfamiliar process. These books can help you prepare.

It will give you a fighting chance to ready yourself and follow exactly what is going on. You may even feel confident enough to ask a series of informed questions.

The books are fun, semi-fictional story setting with examples to which you can easily relate. It is a quick and easy read.

They feature a business technology professional called Claudia Carnsa who creates projects for her family to help her learn, share and understand tools and techniques.

The book gives a general understanding and tools you need to work effectively fast.

Different characters represent different personality types; for instance, Granny represents the traditionalist who is not entirely comfortable with change and is reluctant to get on board with the proposed new way of working. Granny is direct and has no problem voicing her objections.

Benefits of Carnsa Development Series

The books have a quiz at the end designed to test your knowledge. They present some resources to help you continue your journey.

They are perfect to help you obtain a general understanding of specific topics during your lunch break or on the commute home.

The first two books have been released, check them out and get a competitive edge!

Author C. Lewis is a technology professional. Experience gained from previous roles as a project manager, business analyst, and an Agility coach.

Lewis has over two decades of experience and is not sharing it with the world.

Model Confusion: Guide to Models Used by Business Analysts

The first book is, ‘Model confusion: A Guide to Models Used by Business Analysts’.

It covers popular topics used by business analysts to help communication and understanding in a project.

It gives you the tools and general understanding needed for you to work effectively with Business Analysts (BAs), or perhaps to start your own BA journey.

Models are explored, considered and selected for a special project, and the family in the books assesses their suitability; communication is at the forefront of their decision-making processes.

Spoiler alert: models are not exclusive to the business analyst role. (Great for anybody to use!).

Agile Confusion: A Quick Understanding of the Basics & Applications

The second book in the Carnsa Development series is called, ‘Agile Confusion: A Quick Understanding of the Basics and Application.’

Are you going to connect with some technology people to work on a project and want a fighting chance to understand what they are going on about?

You will be introduced to Agile methodology techniques from start through to launch. Join the Carnsa family as they embark on their first Agile project, taking on the typical Agile roles and ceremonies.

Understand how they deal with non-ideal situations on their journey, examples that may also help you on your journey.

User Story Confusion: Creation & Breaking them Down

The third book in the Carnsa Development series is, ‘User story confusion: Creation and breaking them down.’

This book is an ideal follow-up to the Agile Confusion story. It highlights the story-mapping technique used to create user stories.

This book also covers:

  • Why user stories are sometimes not selected to be broken down by teams
  • The benefits of breaking down user stories
  • Areas to consider when breaking down user stories

The Carnsa family have been running Agile projects successfully for a while.

Claudia realizes she needs to give her family (who represent the Agile development team) some options to consider to help them break large user stories down into manageable pieces.

Granny comes to the aid of her grandson Bob who particularly is struggling with the concept of breaking down the user story.

Model Confusion Links:

Agile Confusion Links

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