

Introduce Yourself and tell us about TeamUp?

I’m Tim from TeamUp. I lead our customer-focused marketing team. TeamUp is the fastest growing and market-disrupting software system. It helps ambitious fitness business owners achieve their growth goals and get their administration in line.

TeamUp was founded in 2012 and has grown steadily with over 2500+ customers worldwide. The whole product is built around the challenges that real business owners experience on a day-to-day basis. We pride ourselves on the best business customer support.

What problem is TeamUp solving?

TeamUp provides the right level of flexibility and power for business owners without sacrificing ease of use. There are a lot of different systems on the market but they all compromise in some areas. Whether it’s pricing that doesn’t reflect the real challenges that businesses face as they grow, feature sets that are oversold and under-delivered, or weighty and confusing user experience design that creates stress and overwhelm for users.

At TeamUp, we price our packages by the number of active customers a customer has, not by the tools and features they need to run the best version of their business.

What is the best marketing strategy for TeamUp?

The best marketing strategy that works for us and for all businesses is to get to know and love your customers. If you deeply care about their success then you will find all the insight you need to make things happen for your own business. Our overall goal is to help our customers succeed and that’s reflected in every area of our business.

Tell us about the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

It’s been a challenging year for the fitness industry and for all businesses in the space. When lockdowns started it was clear that a big shift in the way fitness was delivered as needed. We realized early on that our customers needed support to keep their communities together and we addressed that by immediately adding an online class functionality and then followed up by adding on-demand video features. We were the first software system to respond to this need, and are proud of how this has helped our community.

What is your long term strategy to grow TeamUp?

We aim to keep doing what we’ve always done best: listen to our customers and let them be our guiding light. We’ll add exciting new features like Appointments which was just launched this week, and continue to focus on providing the best service and product to help our customers create the best version of their business.

What is your best advice for new entrepreneurs?

Consistency is more important than the latest clever tactics. Pick high-quality marketing ideas and implement them day by day. Trust that quality will win in the end. Do the work.

Share your favourite quote with us?

“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” from Steve Jobs

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Tim Green

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