web design

Web Design Trends 2019

In this fast-paced, modern world, digital trends are continually evolving. If you to attract users’ attention, keeping up with current tendencies is essential. Your website is often the gateway to your company. With good web design, you can win visitors’ trust and lead them to your products and services.

To make it easier for everyone to understand exactly what needs to be done to increase your company’s online presence, the folks over at Design Advisor have put together a top-notch infographic detailing fourteen of the most essential web design trends.

Here are three quick tips to get you started:

Make Sure Your Content is Engaging

If you want users to return, engaging content is key. Allowing customers to become familiar with your company and your brand helps forge a stronger relationship, which makes them more likely to want to come back. Establishing trust brings a business one step closer to a high customer retention rate.

Responsive Design Is Your Friend

One mistake that a lot of companies make is overlooking the importance of responsive web design.  According to the infographic, 44% of users mistrust a company if their website doesn’t work well on mobile. Ensuring your website performs equally well on any device or screen size is a great way to broaden your reach and help convey reliability.

Speed Is Everything

What is the most annoying thing you can encounter while browsing a website? Most people would say waiting for a site to load. More specifically, 47% of users think that a website should not take more than two seconds to load. Therefore, speeding up your site should be a no-brainer.

These are just a few of the trends this infographic holds. If they sparked your interest, there is a lot more where that came from in the infographic below. Investing a few minutes to check it out can be a helpful push in the right direction. Your website visitors will thank you – in the shape of conversions!

Web Design Trends 2019 as Defined by 14 Case Studies

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